Friday, August 04, 2006

Back to Back Rhymin' – Genuine Draft Editions

If you read this blog, chances are you share similar interests to the rest of us (beats, hoops and er... the Nancy Langs of this world). Either that, or you're holding out for the idealjetslam era. In which case, welcome aboard my friends...

Recently, Mr Sparkles and myself came to the conclusion there was something missing from this little slice of binary - draft talk.

Now everyone loves a draft. Whether it's league or fantasy based, nothing beats it. I can't get enough of it. I am hooked on Stern in the Garden, ESPN mocks, fantasy drafts – you name it. Hell, when my missus and I moved to Australia, we divided up all major purchases and had a furniture and appliance draft. That’s right, I said it.

[As a quiet aside, this is a very, very bad idea, fellas. You do not want to lose out on bedroom manchester. Trust me. I know you're immediately thinking "couch or sofa" with your first pick. Draft the damned bed and manchester].

With this in mind, I put it to Sparkles that we should do some mock fantasy drafts on PK. Now we don't usually hash out fantasy sports on this blog. Probably because it's the internet equivalent of drawing a dick and balls on a text book. Sure it's fun to do, but it doesn't exactly impress the ladies.

The fantasy draft concept was sound, what we needed to do was move away from the traditional confinements. And that’s precisely what we plan to do. In honour of the million NFL fantasy drafts that are about to take place in August, Sparkles and I will be drafting everything under the fucking sun.

Ladies and Gentlemen, your 2006 B2BR Drafts.


TMH said...

whatever happened with the idealjetsam fiasco? Is that person writing here or no?

Harrison Forbes said...

Idealjetsam -- or, as I like to call him, 'Extra Prolific' -- will always be a honorary member of the Psychedelic Kimchi collective.