Thanksgiving Day (Quiz)
I've never been a huge fan of Thanksgiving as far as holidays are concerned. The food is good, the family stuff is fine, and the day off from school/work/life is grand, but the day itself was never exquisitely memorable. Thanksgiving, as far as our family viewed it, was just a day to eat together as a group; beyond that, it was a day for my sister to listen to New Kids on the Block tapes while she hopped up and down on the trampoline in the basement (don't ask), an excuse for my brother to spend additional time with his high-school sweetheart's family (they got married, and subsequently divorced several years later, wee!), a brief reprieve from the midlife crisis gripping my father's consciousness, extra work for my mother, and more time for me to spend with my favorite babysitter, the television (but only when my parents were home, mind you). All in all, nothing spectacular, yet nothing atrocious, either. Standard fare, if anything need be said, though my brother usually took the time to run me down to the video store to rent a horror movie or two, as Thanksgiving, like any holiday, was the perfect excuse to further engage what brought me the greatest pleasure. Americana at its finest, if I do say so myself.
Upon experiencing said moment, my initial reaction had been:
Kristy Swanson with a basketball, and she explodes Mama's head with it?
Ecstasy is too small a word.
My votes on B then F in that order. Thats what happened to me at least.
I can't imagine that a 7 or 8 year old would think of anything after that except D), or maybe E).
As an aside, HHA, I hope you'll raise me to to heights in your esteem since it took me 12 hours to get up the courage to watch that clip, and now I feel really, really shaky. But I did it just to answer your poll.
That's how we show affection over in Running With Chopsticks!
Word verification: red arc!
Twinkles: No answer? I pity you, Bundang Bowie.
Snake: I applaud your honesty, sir. Think of Psychedelic Kimchi as the toilet paper of your life.
(Melissa): You are the Red Arc of my life!*
* I have no idea what that means, but it sounds cool.
Aw, sweet!
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