Sunday, August 06, 2006

The 18th Letter, Forever

The 18th Letter celebrated her birthday yesterday. She is now 3 years old (or 45 years old by Korean reckoning). Her present? 3 months of reeducation in The Great White North. If she comes back complaining that there are no Tim Hortons in Korea, I'm disowning her.

(Daddy loves you, sweetheart.)


Anonymous said...

She's pretty tall for her age in Korea right?

She's going to grow up to be 롱다리~

Harrison Forbes said...

I think that picture is a bit deceptive. She's above average height for her age, but she doesn't exactly tower over the competition. At least not yet.

Her legs are actually quite short. She inherited them from her mother. Me, I have a short torso and long legs. My wife is the opposite.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to her. :) When are you guys going??

Harrison Forbes said...

"When are you guys going??"

Sadly, I'm not. I'm 기러기 아빠.