Friday, May 05, 2006

Because every day is Children's Day

One thing among many that sucks about growing old: hangovers. Used to be after a night of moderate-to-heavy drinking the worst I suffered was a mild headache and possibly a case of the beer shits. Now, I'm practically a zombie for an entire day following a night on the piss.

Last night was one such night, today one such day. With only a few hours sleep, I awoke at 7:30 to the sound of my daughter asking my wife "Mommy, can I watch Sesame Street?" As tired and hungover as I was, that was so cute it made me smile from ear to ear. Then I rolled over, cursing existence and wishing I were dead.

Seriously though, it wasn't that bad, but I really would have liked another four or five hours rest. And perhaps a lobotomy. Sleep was not to be, of course, because today is Children's Day, and if there's one thing I'm not it's a father who doesn't spend time with his kid because the old man knocked back a few too many the night prior. I did however manage to delay our family excursion by a few hours so that I could watch the thrilling Suns/Lakers game (game 7, baby; dig it). Afterwards, my wife, daughter and I took a stroll around the neighborhood, walked through the forest (or "mountain," as my wife refers to it, though if that's a mountain I'm Marcel freaking Proust), and went to E-mart to buy the little angel some gifts. We wanted to do something more exciting, but the weather this afternoon was crummy, so instead we made plans to go to Everland the next time I have the day off and the climate is favorable. I can hardly fucking wait.

The little girl was so well behaved -- except for a small incident stemming from Zyzyfer's broken promise that he would buy her a pony -- that my wife and I bought her everything she wanted, so long as it wasn't a toy. She has enough of those. She's quite the scholar, actually, and we ended up hauling home a pile of books and study materials. We also bought her a Tweety Bird balloon, which I had the honor of carrying home because the little girl was afraid its string might slip from her hand and fly away.

On our way back I bought the little girl and my wife some ice cream. None for me, thanks. When I got home I took a nice, long nap. 2 hours. Dig it! I awoke feeling slightly better, but still less than 60%. Which is why you're getting this brief recap of my day and the below photographs. Neener.

(I have no idea who the lady in that last photo is, but she insisted on having her picture taken with our daughter.)

1 comment:

TMH said...

Way to suck it up for the little one, man. Apologies to you and the missus for selfishly keeping you out so late. Glad you got home okay to the important folks.