Sunday, May 17, 2009

I Love You Like I Love My Dick Size

I have a crippling hangover, one which I hope isn't clouding my judgment...for I'm about to declare Only Built 4 Cuban Linx the best hip-hop album ever, not now but right now. Longtime Constant Retards may remember a few years back -- 2006, I believe -- when I compiled a list of the top 100 hip-hop albums and named A Tribe Called Quest's The Low End Theory No. 1. My regret then, maybe even now, was that I didn't put Brand Nubian's One for All at the top spot. But even bigger, I forgot just how high I placed Cuban Linx. No. 8? Really? That's just not fair.

So I am now retroactively altering the Top 5. Because I can. Linx comes in at No. 1, followed by, in ascending order, Tribe's The Low End Theory, Common Sense's Resurrection, Brand Nubian's One for All, and Boogie Down Production's Criminal Minded.

(Lists are stupid.)

Now, excuse me while I get reacquainted with an old, dear friend.

Bonus: mediocrity!

(I think it's fair to say I'm not exactly excited for Cuban Linx II...I mean, if it ever gets released. Which it probably won't. Still, it's nice to see that Rae and RZA have kissed and made up.)

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