Sunday, May 17, 2009

Goodnight, and Good Luck

I just finished watching Anvil! the Story of Anvil, an excellent documentary aboat a Toronto-based heavy metal band that never really made it. And it got me thinking about Game Seven of the Lakers-Rockets series, which tips off shortly (lamentably) after 4:30 AM, KST; a game that will be decided while yours truly sleeps the sleep of the just, because, sadly, I got bigger fish to fry.

Watching Anvil, I couldn't help but notice the parallel between the band and the Rockets. I really, really wanted Anvil to make it, which is a testament to how well told the film is and not, perhaps, to how great a band Anvil is. But, despite Anvil's shortcomings, they're dedicated and passionate about what they do -- a rare, admirable trait. After all, everyone loves a feel-good story.

That's the Rockets! After losing Yao Ming they stood strong -- well, aside from getting blown out by 40 points -- and pushed the Lakers to a seventh game, winner takes all. But, like Anvil, the Rockets probably won't succeed. Sometimes life is like that. Predictable.

Still, it's always nice to dream. Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow to find that dreams came true. That would be nice. That would be pretty neat.

Rockets-Nuggets, Western Conference Finals. I like the sound of that.

Sounds Hawaiian.

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