Sunday, May 17, 2009

The PK 27 -- Game No. 5

Metallic dinosaurs flying through space. I ask you, divergent reader; what else need be said?

Not much (correct!), but I'll say something anyway. Sure, Demon Attack was a rip-off of an earlier game entitled Phoenix, but hey, this was the Atari 2600, and there was only so much that could be done on the antiquated console.

I'll also mention that countless hours were spent in an equally antiquated basement (replete with brick walls painted in a pattern which consisted of alternating shades of bright yellow and orange) playing this game fervently, as if reaching the twelfth wave of enemies would have somehow validated my existence, which is to say that my brother was always a bit better at the game than me, and by overtaking his prowess, he would have shown me some -proper- respect. (Kids think the darnedest things.)

Demons cascade down the screen, and you fire projectiles toward them. Avoid death. Lather, rinse, repeat. That's it.

P.S. Metallic dinosaurs flying through space!

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