Saturday, September 22, 2007

The PK 27 -- Track 666

Excepting David Foster Wallace's "Infinite Jest," the lyrics "Frail/ the skin is dry and pale/the pain will never fail/and so we go back to the remedy. /Clip/ the wings that get you high/ just leave 'em where they lie/ and tell yourself 'you'll be the death of me,'" is the single best piece of writing I've ever heard regarding addiction.

But, then again, I've been drinking tonight.


  1. For the record, TMH broke the 27 rule.


  2. I also have a question which I would like to put to referendum:

    We haven't really bantered that much about each other's selections, but let's say we found someone's taste in music so utterly reprehensible that we could barely contain our urges to mock it until it crawled under a table to die, could we do so while still maintaining the professional respect and jovial camaraderie we usually enjoy?

    No one in mind. Just asking.

    P.S. That dood's piercing is totally rad. TMH is, like, so way MTV.

    ROCK ON!!

  3. P.P.S.

    Hemingway would've loved that shit.

  4. First I'm a snob, but now because I like the metal and alt. country I have bad taste? Make up your mind!

    As far as making fun of each other, I say have at thee. I tore a ligament in my foot doing Thai knee drills yesterday; I flatter myself to think I can handle whatever you guys can hand out.

  5. "the professional respect and jovial camaraderie we usually enjoy?"

    The what?
