Sunday, September 23, 2007

The PK 27--√2

Some time right about the second time it was tried, spoken word went all to hell. There are about four people in the world who can do it well, and 40 million (split between 6 American urban centers) who can do it very, very poorly.

Saul Williams is one of the four. Release is the kind of classic that literally speaks for itself. So let the lyrics replace the typical PK intro.*

Release, Part 2.

Inner breathlessness, outer restlessness
By the time I caught up to freedom I was out of breath
Grandma asked me what I'm running for
I guess I'm out for the same thing the sun is sunning for
What mothers birth their young'ns for
And some say Jesus coming for
For all I know the earth is spinning slow
Suns at half mast 'cause masses ain't aglow
On bended knee, prostrate before an altered tree
I've made the forest suit me
Tables and chairs
Papers and prayers
Matter versus spirit
A metal ladder
A wooden cross
A plastic bottle of water
A mandala encased in glass
A spirit encased in flesh
Sound from shaped hollows
The thickest of mucus released from heightened passion
A man that cries in his sleep
A truth that has gone out of fashion
A mode of expression
A paint splattered wall
A carton of cigarettes
A bouquet of corpses
A dying forest
A nurtured garden
A privatized prison
A candle with a broken wick
A puddle that reflects the sun
A piece of paper with my name on it
I'm surrounded
I surrender
All that I am I have been
All I have been has been a long time coming
I am becoming all that I am
The spittle that surrounds the mouth-piece of the flute
Unheard, yet felt
A gathered wetness
A quiet moisture
Sound trapped in a bubble
Released into wind
Wind fellows and land merchants
We are history's detergent
Water soluble, light particles, articles of cleansing breath
Articles amending death
These words are not tools of communication
They are shards of metal
Dropped from eight story windows
They are waterfalls and gas leaks
Aged thoughts rolled in tobacco leaf
The tools of a trade
Barbers barred, barred of barters
Catch phrases and misunderstandings
But they are not what I feel when I am alone
Surrounded by everything and nothing
And there isn't a word or phrase to be caught
A verse to be recited
A man to de-fill my being in those moments
I am blankness, the contained center of an "O"
The pyramidic containment of an "A"
I stand in the middle of all that I have learned
All that I have memorized
All that I've known by heart
Unable to reach any of it
There is no sadness
There is no bliss
It is a forgotten memory
A memorable escape route that only is found by not looking
There, in the spine of the dictionary the words are worthless
They are a mere weight pressing against my thoughtlessness
But then, who else can speak of thoughtlessness with such confidence
Who else has learned to sling these ancient ideas
like dead rats held by their tails
so as not to infect this newly oiled skin
I can think of nothing heavier than an airplane
I can think of no greater conglomerate of steel and metal
I can think of nothing less likely to fly
There are no wings more weighted
I too have felt a heaviness
The stare of man guessing at my being
Yes I am homeless
A homeless man making offerings to the after-future
Sculpting rubber tree forests out of worn tires and shoe soles
A nation unified in exhale
A cloud of smoke
A native pipe ceremony
All the gathered cigarette butts piled in heaps
Snow covered mountains
Lipsticks smeared and shriveled
Offerings to an afterworld
Tattoo guns and plastic wrappers
Broken zippers and dead eyed dolls
It's all overwhelming me, oak and elming me
I have seeded a forest of myself
Little books from tall trees
It matters not what this paper be made of
Give me notebooks made of human flesh
Dried on steel hooks and nooses
Make uses of use, uses of us
It's all overwhelming me, oak and elming me
I have seeded a forest of myself
Little books from tall trees
On bended knee
Prostrate before an altered tree
I've made the forest suit me
Tables and chairs
Papers and prayers
Matter vs. spirit, through meditation
I program my heart to beat breakbeats and hum basslines on exhalation.

If only all our thoughts were so spoken.



And that's what I needed to say(or have Saul say) in New York City, six years, 12 days after the Twin Towers burned.

*Now, while watching the "video", you should be focusing on minutes 3-6 (all due respect to Gift of Gab and Lyrics Born), and not so much on the "Zack de la Rocha" moored in the upper left hand corner. (Dude screeches "release" a dozen times and gets the only billing? Who the hell posted that video?)


  1. Who are the other three spoken worders?

  2. Tibs, BoA and Aloysius Snuffleupagus.

  3. The PK 27 sucks? Just wait 'til our Matron Saint chimes in with her guest pick and then tell me it sucks, you firebrand, you.

    Note: Babyluv has not been contacted on the matter, and I'm sure she's busy as hell (AND I'm sure the pick, if it happens, won't exactly impress such discerning gentlemen as ourselves), but I'm up for the challenge, if only so that I may prove, quantifiably, with celeb cred, that the PK 27 does not, in fact, suck.

    Know what sucks? The VAT surcharge at the Daily Kings Diner in Jeongja-dong. To the best of my knowledge, Daily "Stupid Name, Great Food" Kings is not a foreign establishment. Neither is it in Itaewon. So why the surcharge? Granted, I like having chili fries and the best cheeseburger this side of the Tancheon while dining amongst B-list TV celebs, but I'm only a fool when I pretend to be, and the VAT has got to be illegal, right?

    Someone should write a letter.

    Not me, though. They have great food. Much in the same way anmas are illegal (though I wouldn't know too much about that; why are you laughing?), who's going to start a grassroots movement to potentially hurt an establishment which brings joy to so many? I have a goddam heart, after all.

    You know what else sucks?

    Constipation after taking meds for severe diarrhea. Motherfucking Catch 22.

    The PK 27? Building steam with a grain of Spark.

  4. Fun Fact: Michael K. Williams, who plays Omar on The Wire, is Saul Williams's brother.
