Monday, September 24, 2007

The PK 27 -- Track 26

"Blue. No, yel..."

My sincere apologies to The Gap Band, once upon a time (read: August) I had a list for this ish. Somewhere along the way, I threw it out. The following song wasn't on the list, but believe me: it deserves to be.

[Scene: Bennigans, 12:30PM, Sunday]

Me: This is some really keen mango juice. What's that song playing?

Companion: I dunno.

Me [looking constipated]: I know that voice.

Companion: It sounds familiar.

Me: It certainly sounds familiar.

[Long pause]

Companion: have some more bread.

Me: Van Morrison!

Companion [sighing]: I think you're right.

Me: Isn't it remarkable how great songs find people? I've gone my whole life without hearing that song, and, now, I'm never going to forget it. How fortuitous.

Companion: You have the mind of a poet. Eat your Mexican sampler before I stab you in the eye with a nacho shard.

Upon returning home that afternoon, I ardently searched for the song. Silly me, it wasn't Van Morrison; it was David Gray. (My sincere apologies to the Irish.)

At the time, I considered the song...wait for it...sublime; after watching the video, the lyrics certainly take on a whole new meaning. Now I honestly don't know how to feel*. Call me carazy, but I prefer my favorite songs to be about human beings rather than bottles of booze or euthanized dogs (word to Brick).

Regardless, the song is a masterpiece; and even though I dislike the alcohol metaphor (IRONY ALERT!), it IS a very creative video.

Whoever posted it on Youtube disabled the embed function, so copy and paste the link below, hamster penis.

* Really, my hand is numb.

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