Friday, September 21, 2007

The PK 27 -- Track 4 (B-Side)

Back in the day (word to Ahmad), NBA Live 96 was my ish. It was the Toronto Raptors' 2nd season, we drafted Marcus Camby, and I was positive that in fewer than three years the Raps would celebrate their first championship. Certainly, based upon Mighty Mouse and Camby's dominance on the SNES, nothing led me to doubt that prognostication. Damon averaged like 28 assists a game, Camby a triple double in points, rebounds, and blocks. I figured EA Sports had their shit right, and, by early November, eagerly awaited a 50-plus-win squad.

My bad. See, I have this thing for centers. I grew up with (H)Akeem, Ewing, David Robinson, Shaq, and, yeah, maybe, Rik Smits.

Little did I know that the C was a dying breed. When the Raps snatched Marcus Camby from UMass, I wholeheartedly believed dude was the cornerstone, the living monolith around which all great teams were built.

Now that I've become older, though not necessarily wiser, I realize how foolish I was. Marcus Camby is as sturdy as the Sampoong Department Store was, and I'm pretty sure I could beat him in an arm wrestle.

Take a gander at the picture above though, Constant Retard, and hopefully you can gleam that this post isn't about letdowns, it's about disappointments. There's a marked difference.

Greg Oden will not play this season. And for that I am truly disappointed.

Let's say you had a wild night out planned with your significant other and he or she came down with the flu; you have to take the L, right? You have to accept fate's hand, no matter how hard it is to do so.

Greg Oden, I was going to take you to a bar, then an after-hours bar, then a karaoke joint, then a motel. It would have been special, believe me. But you got stuff you got to handle, stuff which pains me but I know pains you more. Handle your BI, big man. And holler at me when you're ready to get back on the grind.

(Disappointment, not letdown.)


K-Hot hasn't seen The Departed. Disapp...

...ointment. Not letdown.

PS - Marvel Ultimate Alliance is nothing without Fin Fang Foom

1 comment:

  1. Has a song ever encapsulated the spirit of a movie as well as "Shipping up to Boston" does with "Departed?" That song and that movie are the reason soundtracks were invented.
