Sunday, November 13, 2005

En Bee Aye

1) Dwyane Wade is a better player than Lebron James, both now and laters. Trust me. Wade is smarter both on the court and off, and his legacy will trump LBJ's. Bets?

2) Lurry Brown probably doesn't feel very special right now. Even his Flip Saunders voodoo doll doesn't work.

3) It's only a matter of time before Rob Babcock fires Sam Mitchell and replaces him with Charles Oakley. Which of course would be the greatest thing in the history of everything.

4) Larry Bird has never been what I would consider a terribly handsome guy, but these days he's beginning to look like one of those fucked up apple-head dolls. It also doesn't help that he hasn't smiled since Warren Harding was president.

5) The Pacers are scary. And I don't mean that in a "Ron Artest or Stephen Jackson will likely pull a sharpened toothbrush from his sock and shank someone before the All-Star break" way. The Jermaine O'Neal push for MVP will pick up steam in roughly 2 weeks. By the way, Sarunas Jasikevicius is the real deal...and he can out-Vlade the Vlade Divac what do you mean that's a foul? expression, complete with pleading, clapping hands. It's really a marvel to behold.

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