Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Psychedelic Kimchi is, if anything (not that I'm saying it's about anything, because it clearly isn't), about one man's struggle to find peace and his place in the world. In that regard, I'll give myself a B-minus. Peace for the time-being, place to be determined at a later date.

But if the Internet and video games have taught me anything, it's that you can always start over, all fresh like. Picture me rolling, tomorrow is the dawn of a new era. That's probably bullshit (definitely, actually), but bear with. http://writethatonmyepitaph.blogspot.com/ is where you'll find me. When I'm sober, I mean. I'm going to consolidate my reviews, essays (hah), fiction, and astute musings on snack foods to the new blog.

Or I won't.

I probably won't, to be honest.

However, if I do it it's going to be me and only me. Psychedelic Kimchi started out as one man, and perhaps it's fitting that I call it a day by myself, alone, with the same sink-or-swim mantra that first lit the fire under my increasingly bulging belly.

Get ready for greatness. But don't hold your breath. I am, after all, pretty goddam lazy. Like your grandfather's recliner.

I'll see you when I see you. Unless, of course, I see you first.

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