Saturday, June 06, 2009

The PK 27 -- Game No. 24

Lately, I've been talking to some folks about quizzes, and that got me thinking about my formative years (read: university), during which I spent many a 'Thirsty Thursday' at a quaint little bar called Pour Richard's -and yes, everyone referred to it as Pour Dick's- enhancing an otherwise boring education. If nothing else, this particular dive bar introduced me to Capcom's Quiz & Dragons, a seemingly innocuous title which, while one was under the influence of a copious amount of alcohol, became a demanding mistress.

Sure, it was just a trivia game, but one with a fantasy motif, including dragons, warriors, dragons and warriors, and last but not least, a ninja. You selected one of four heroes and proceeded to traverse through several game boards, each filled with grotesque monsters whose best weapons were grueling multiple choice questions, such as:

How these fantastic creatures came to learn about Australia, The Jetsons, the Iran-Contra affair, etc. defies logic of any kind, but then again, so did wasting valuable beer money on this idiotic game.

(images from*

* klove? Sounds more like a dating site than a reservoir of shitty games, but what do I know.

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