Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The PK 27 -- Game No. 12

Psychedelic Kimchi may (or may not) be a great deal of things: trashy, artsy and/or fartsy, maniacal, endearing, etc. One matter you, dyslexic reader, may be certain of is that PK is nothing if not the amalgamation of five learned scholars working synergistically. Keeping this in mind, I thought it best to select a game which truly epitomizes one of our regular contributors (and his effortlessly circuitous essays). 

To that end, I give you the venerable Sword of Sodan, yet another stellar entry in the sacrosanct Electronic Arts library. This is idealjetsam, and if you're unprepared to appreciate such majesty, I suggest you bone up on your post-postmodern trancendentalism and try again. 

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