Sunday, February 01, 2009


The fifth reason for my unabashed adoration of Flashdance:

Michael Sembello's hit song, Maniac.* Not only was the song pretty cool, it accompanied one of the most breathtaking moments in all of cinema. (Follow this link, and skip ahead to the 3:45 mark.) I don't care how old, crippled, or impotent I may soon become; I will always be entranced by such a simple, yet divine, sequence.

To the numerous female readers of Psychedelic Kimchi: I haven't forgotten about you, and I apologize for the blatant objectification of women presented within this evening's post. Here's a nice chunk of manliness to even the scale.

* informs me that Sembello's song was originally penned in response to the 1980 film Maniac.** Strange, and probably true.

** A great film in its own right, and the female lead in that film is none other than the indomitable Caroline Munro, who deserves a post all her own.

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