Friday, January 30, 2009

Strangeways, Here We Come

(What you wanna do is, you wanna skip ahead to the 3:55 mark.)

Maybe it's because I feel guilty for faking sick and skipping school so often as a youth that I feel the need to tell you, Constant Retard, when I'm going on hiatus. And maybe -- nay, definitely -- that's been my reason for proving myself a liar by returning to this hallowed blog ahead of schedule.

Whatever the case may be, next week I return to Canada. And then I don't know nuthin.

Besides the freezing cold temperatures of Southern Ontario, Quarter Pounders avec fromage, and myriad beers and fruit (and fruity beers, if that's your thing) at an affordable price, I don't know what the month of February holds for me as far as Psychedelic Kimchi is concerned. Quite frankly, I don't give a shit. (Yes I do.)

In my absence, Kmart will dazzle, denz will razzle, TMH will rassle, and Idealjetsam will inert.

You won't even know I'm gone.

Enjoy watching Werner Herzog eat a shoe and get Rainbow Sixed.

(Whatever. I once knew a girl who ate a bicycle.)


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