Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Pump Up the Volume

As longtime readers of this site* and anyone who's ever met me can probably tell, I love to hear myself talk. Now, in the not-too-distant future** my sonorous manvoice*** will be heard by millions. Okay, maybe millions is a bit of a stretch. Thousands? Hundreds? I have no idea.

In addition to my daily work activities (I'm like Winston the Wolf in Pulp Fiction***), starting in April I will also be doing voice acting for internationally-broadcast Korean programming.

(I'd like to think my voice will give women orgasms, but It'll probably induce seizures like Mary Hart's.)

Needless to say, I'm very excited. Still, part of me is left wanting more. If you love something you have to set it free, and it's only a matter of time before the face behind this voice is unleashed upon the world******. Or Korea. Same thing.

* Oh who am I kidding?

** Hold on, that makes no sense.

*** If the PKast had happened on the weekend, you'd understand my sarcasm.

**** 'Cept when people fuck with me and act like they know English better than me.

****** Word to Ghostface Killah.

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