Friday, January 04, 2008

Hell Yeah

My white, suburban wife walks into a dvd store in the inner city. An African-American attendant at the front counter asks if she needs help finding anything.

"No thanks," my wife says. "Just need to pick up Season One of The Wire; we're trying to get my brother-in-law turned on to it. He's a cop."

"Hell yeah," the attendant says. "January 6. Final season. Got my TIVO set already."

"Hell yeah," my wife says.

And that's The Wire, folks. Bringing Americans of disparate socioeconomic backgrounds together to agree on one thing, if only for an hour at a time.

January 6th. One last time, set your Tivos to "I just creamed my shorts this is so good."



Det. James 'Jimmy' McNulty: I got to ask you, if every time Snotboogie would grab the money and run away, why'd you even let him in the game?
Witness: What?
Det. James 'Jimmy' McNulty: If Snotboogie always stole the money, why'd you let him play?
Witness: You got to. This is America, man.


  1. I think the first ep was available On Demand on Dec. 31st. I downloaded and watched it yesterday. The first episode of every season is always a little slow, but things look promising.

    Tease: there's one big WTF moment involving Herc.

    Only 10 episodes? Give me more!

  2. I am in your debt for this information, sir.

  3. Truly, the Wire has become the Black & White Cookie of 2008.
