Monday, August 13, 2007

Sittin' on Dubs

"We've been friends for a long time and we're still going to be friends ... I'll be on the road behind you here in a bit," he said ruefully. -GWB on Rove's departure.

You gotta love it when a guy is so done that even he knows it. The next president won't be inaugurated for about 16 months, but Ws is already talking about when he'll be "moseying into the sunset" with his pal Rove.

Was immigration reform his last, great gasp to get something done? Doesn't he know that there are more advantages to being a lame duck than not caring how much the legislative branch kicks the shit out of your Attorney General because you don't have to run again?

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad these douches won't be doing any more damage. But if he just sticks his thumb up his ass and toes the line for the next year-plus the judgement on this administration between "evil" and "wholly incompetent" will, in my mind, finally be made. For my sake, at least he could suck it up, pick one issue, and try to get some totally misguided and self-serving legislation passed. One last time. For old time's sake. That's how I want to remember him. Not sniveling in the corner counting the days until he and Rove can go dove hunting in Texas (with Cheney notably omitted from the shotgun trip. Low-hanging fruit, I know).

George, you owe me one more masterstroke of evil. Your administration's legacy hangs in the balance. I expect legislation that abridges my rights and freedoms as an American post-haste. Make it happen.

This is how it always is with these things. Not with a bang.

1 comment:

  1. My guess? Bush is Keyser Soze. It is the only answer.

    Oh my. It says WMD on the bottom of my coffee mug.
