Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Real Heads Recognize

This should be played at a high volume, preferably with headphones, in a dark, secluded area.

My apologies* for the easy layup. If it's any consolation, Mom, I wasn't going to post anything, except "decapitation" was 18 across in today's paper, and it reminded me of the scene above. (Tomorrow's post: Don't End Sentences with a Preposition.)

* You know what, fuck that. What's up with bloggers (read: me) apologizing all the time? "Sorry I was too busy jerking off/taking my schnauzer to the vet/cutting individual letters out of various magazines and pasting them on ransom notes; I promise**, regular blogging will resume when I break up with my girlfriend and get fired."

** Fuck promises, too.


  1. Have you started working for YouTube or something?

  2. I deserve that.

    But I won't apologize. I'm playing this by ear -- and free association with myself*. And my ear said, "Eoin, William Peter Blatty's Exorcist 3 needs some love right about now. C'mon, big stud, one of the most terrifying movie scenes ever from a film in which Fabio and Patrick Ewing have cameos deserves some love."

    I agree.

    * Please don't truncate that.
