Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The PK 27 -- Track 25

Sparkles often informs me that people generally get what they deserve, and the frequency of this philosophical gem comes second only to his notion that evolution is overrated. That second, more prevalent proclamation is regularly precipitated by my sinking of pool balls with mad accuracy, at the expense of his victory.

I should get one of those Cap'n Crunch decoder rings, because I'm just not clever enough to decipher such Eoinisms all on my own. I am also unable to fully appreciate the humor in him spinning around, arms outstretched, while yelling 'ULTRA COMBO!'.* The fact that he prefers to do it to random passersby doesn't help the situation, either.

This is my classy, roundabout way of bringing up one my PK 27 selections, just in case you're too hammered to see through my intricate ruse of buffoonery:

All the Kids Are Right, by Local H

I'll spare you any excessive reproduction of lyrics, save the following.

First the band looked wired
Then the band looked tired
Sluggish and a little slow
He's walking through the set
As drunk as he could get
And what the hell was wrong with Joe**?

Sometimes we're not as good as we'd like to be, and at others we're just lazy (or inebriated), and I'm not quite sure why that is, just as I can scarcely comprehend the mysteries of one Tiberious aka Sparkles. But it's okay, even if you won't wear our T-shirts anymore.



* Okay, I get it. It still doesn't change the fact that it's dumb, even if it has gotten him laid at least four times. By women. (And) Don't even get me started on Sparkles' propensity to chant 'Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, select, start' to ladies at bars.

** Who is that guy? You decide.

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