Thursday, June 28, 2007

Psychedelic Kimochi

Transformers opens today on the penninsula. And you can bet I'm more interested in seeing it because of the alluring Megan Fox than to see Optimus Prime's lips.

Speaking of foxes, it will soon be my pleasure, and yours, to welcome the PK onslaught's newest member. Gentlemen, time to throw away the empty beer cans and pizza boxes -- we got a lady coming over.


  1. As long as we don't have to stash the crack pipes, I'm cool. That and lingerie, as in I'm gonna keep on wearing it.


  2. So, Tibs.

    What did you do to convince such a well-proven damsel of disaster to join the crew...?

    Did you have to demean yourself? Was there lingerie involved? Did it chafe?

    Perspiring minds wanna to know...

  3. Damsel of disaster?

    I'll admit, there was some whiskey involved, there were some sad tales swapped, and someone offered to be bent over a pool-table. It all happened so fast...
