Saturday, May 12, 2007

Two Birds...

Well, a former posting of the lovely Miss Lin Chiling was zapped due to some legal nonsense wherein I seemed to have stolen a picture from...blah, blah, legal-blahdie-copyright-blah-BLAH. So, to stone two fouls with one roll, I would like to compensate for Taka-shi's recent Kimochi Katashtrophe and preface a new IJ post with a little of the old flavor:

idealjetsam kimochi

That' s better. But, to tender a true dooble, here's some more of (as I like to say to all my homies at Asia Finest, hollah!!) the other white meat:

idealjetsam kimochi

The older-than-all-of-those-centerfolds-we-used-to-look-at-when-we-were-adolescents-so-chillax-that-holier-than-thou-vibe, the lovely, and the entirely devoted to me, not any other PK staff writer, Miss Kwon, BoA in her latest venture, endorsing Nike. I now know what Buddha got me for his birthday.

* You're-a gonna wanna click on that BoA pic, gents. Just do it.

** Don't get me wrong, I am still the High Evolutionary: This is proof of my admiration for the pinnacle of human evolution.


  1. I'm in love: BOA's sweating from lifting TV remote controls. Sit down and take a load off, sweetheart, I'll handle those bad boys.

  2. That machine behind BoA looks like some sort of medieval torture device.

  3. "That machine behind BoA looks like some sort of medieval torture device."

    I admire your efforts to conceal your anguish. Soldier on. Soldier on.

  4. I shall, if by 'soldier on' you mean 'masturbate profusely'.
