Thursday, May 10, 2007

Psychedelic Kimochi

Self-explanatory. I was rooting for the Warriors (by the way, 2007 'offs B Diddy = 2006 'offs Gilbert Arenas Re: free throws), but D Fish coming up clutch in the final moments of Game 2 was, for those who know the story, SO motherfucking Psychedelic Kimochi/Kimchi that I can't front.

PS - I can't resist: I bet Vince Carter didn't sleep much last night.

PPS - Mehmet Okur squashing Dee Brown's neck was some scary shit. Thankfully, Brown's injury looked A LOT worse than it really was.


  1. Oh, have a heart you crotchety old bugger :P

  2. You're right, that was harsh.

    I only just realized that this "basketball" was still in season. Will it never end?

  3. And you really need the old kimochi flavor back--I deserved that reaction for this dirty, dirty trick.
