Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Modest Mouse: We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank (Review)

I can't pretend to know much about Modest Mouse, but when, last week, while reading a Bill Simmons (who has significantly hooked himself up to the juvenation machine, btw) chat transcript he mentioned their new album features the return of Johnny Marr, quite possibly my favorite rock guitarist of all time, I had to pick it up. So last Saturday, while in Hongdae to cop the new El-P joint, I picked up We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank, too. Naturally, I dedicated the whole of my weekend absorbing the sublimity of El's sophomore masterpiece (and getting as drunk as Dudley Moore in Arthur), but on Monday I gave WWDBTSES a whirl. Meh was my initial reaction, but after a few more listens it really started to grow on me. It's a grower, for sure. It's definitely a grower.

Jesus, it's so good to hear Marr do what he does best. The old chap hasn't lost a step. I have no doubt that were he and Morrissey reunited they'd churn out an absolute winner. As it is, this Modest Mouse album is none too shabby a consolation prize. None too shabby at all.

Welcome back, Johnny.

1) March Into the Sea

It ain't hard to tell that lead singer Isaac Brock has been influenced by Pixies frontman Frank Black (with a dash of Mick Jagger and a sprinkling of The Cure's Robert Smith). "If food needed pleasing you'd suck all the seasoning off. Suck it off!" OK, then. Is that a hurdy gurdy I hear? I do believe it is.

2) Dashboard

A no-brainer as far as a single goes. Make no mistake, that's Johnny Marr on guitar. His strumming is absolutely goosebump-inducing. A pretty, pretty song.

3) Fire It Up

I can picture a lot of college kids getting high to this. College kids are so predictable. It sounds like something Jack Johnson might do. If Jack Johnson were good, I mean. Nice!

4) Florida

The title of this song alone makes it difficult for me to write about. Thankfully, this isn't a huge fucking disappointment like...OK, I've calmed down. More signature Marr. This is as good an opportunity as any to mention that a few years ago Rolling Stone magazine compiled a list of the top 100 rock guitarists of all time, and Johnny Marr was nowhere to be found. Ben Fong-Torres must be spinning in his grave.

5) Parting of the Sensory

Brock whisper-sings, then loses his shit. In a good way. A somber, beautiful track. "Aw, fuck it I guess I lost." With all the album's nautical allusions, is it safe to call this a concept album? "Someday you will die somehow and something's gonna steal your carbon," Brock chants. Talk about missed opportunities. Replace "carbon" with "coffin" and you have an easy layup. I should be a goddamned lyrics consultant.

6) Missed the Boat

If I had a car, this album would be the perfect road trip soundtrack. Like Dashboard lite -- until, that is, the extraordinary chorus hits.

7) We've Got Everything

No other song on the album sounds more Smiths-esque or 80's throwback. By the way, what can we call that moment when you're listening to an album for the umpteenth time and you suddenly realize "Hey, this is actually REALLY good!" ? And what causes us to be ignorant of greatness in the first place? Can it be quantified? They should teach this stuff in university classes. Perhaps they do.

8) Fly Trapped in a Jar

How's this for topical: the song opens with what sounds like a fly buzzing, the profundity of which completely blows my fucking mind! One of the album's more Pixies-ish moments. Brock starts off singing like he's got a bastard of a hangover. Still, he manages to sound nice, which is more than I can say for my occasional late-night noraebang sessions. I absolutely murdered Wonderwall a few weeks back. Murdered it more, I mean. At the 2-minute mark the song metamorphoses into a jumpy, jive track. Marr's guitar noodling has me moving my head like a fucked up metronome.

9) Education

The bass here simply fucking rules. Then Marr's guitar kicks in with melodic cuteness. Is it sacrelige to suggest that the duo of Marr and Brock rivals Marr and Morrissey? Probably. I'm sayin', though. For me, hearing Johnny play this well is akin to Scottie Pippen returning to basketball at forty and making the All-Star team. I'm smiling like Ray Liotta getting his brain eaten in Hannibal right now.

10) Little Motel

A slow-tempo ballad. "'Cause that's what I'm waitin' for." Pretty. Nostalgia one-oh-fucking-one. If you have a girl, put this track on and let sparks fly. (I watch too many Cameron Crowe films.)

11) Steam Engenius

Have I mentioned that the guitars on this album are completely and utterly outstanding? Brock (or someone) gets his Karen O on with some choice "whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo"s. The funkiness of this song excuses its corny title. Furthermore, like Mr. T, the entire album's greatness excuses the band's god-awful name. And then some.

12) Spitting Venom

Masta Killa guest stars on this one. Just kidding (had you for a sec there, didn't I?). An eight-and-a-half-minute epic, it begins with a rythmic acoustic guitar, which Brock follows like Princess Yorda does Ico (can I get a soul clap?). When the electric guitar hits, you're gonna fall in love. Dare I compare this to How Soon is Now? I dare. Then, horns! I'm a sucker for horns. Ico had horns (OK, I'll stop now). My mind is blown. More blown, I mean.

13) People as Places as People

My favorite song on the album, and quite possibly one of my favorite songs of all time. No joke. If this isn't used in a film within the next five years I'll eat my Hush Puppies (I don't own Hush Puppies). John Hughes should start making movies again. I'm just sayin'.

14) Invisible

Like Mariano Rivera, the perfect closer (I can't believe I just typed that, either). Here's a prayer: please, God, don't let this be the only Modest Mouse album Johnny Marr appears on. Stick around for a while, John. I've got Playstation and Doritos. If you want I'll show you my brother's cache of smut mags. Don't go, Johnny. Don't go.

Conclusion: This exceeded my expectations a hundredfold. What a fantastic album. Johnny fucking Marr lives!

(And those other guys ain't too bad, neither)

5/5 *_*

1 comment:

  1. Weird Al's gotta get it together and name his next album We Were Dead Before the Shit Even Stank, fa real.

    (The thing's one thinks of while lying awake in bed at half past four in the morning, boy.)
