Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Choose Your Own (Korean) Adventure

You're walking up a street, somewhat oblivious to your surroundings. It's a survival mechanism. Korean sidewalks undulating haphazardly beneath your feet, as is their wont, you accidentally kick a golf ball-sized stone into a fruit seller's basket of apples, causing half of its bounty to spill forth and roll into a nearby, flourescent green, drainage puddle.

The ajumma is irate, insisting you pay 5000 won for her ruined product. You

A) Apologize (there's a nifty language coincidence there for you cunning Korean linguists) profusely, hand the ajumma a 5000 won note and continue on your way.

B) Retort that she was illegally crowding the sidewalk and, in not so many words, that shit happens and she can go fuck herself.

[If you chose A, turn to page 57. Turn to page 23 if you chose B.]


  1. 5000 won is a real bargain considering the damage that is done to apples I rackon.

  2. What about C? Drop your pants and chase her around.
