Thursday, October 05, 2006


The mass outcry against the NBA's new, shitty ball continues:

NBA sources told that Spalding urged the NBA to switch to a composite model because it was having trouble securing the "consistent" leather needed to keep manufacturing the ball that has been used for decades.

It has likewise been suggested that Spalding had marketing motivations to switch from an expensive leather ball to a composite ball that, in addition to its lower production costs and the promise of fresh publicity, might have more practical appeal to NBA fans.

"They probably couldn't sell it," New Jersey's Jason Kidd told the New York Post after Wednesday's practice, referring to the old leather ball. "It was an indoor model. A lot of kids play outside, so maybe that was the reason."

You know who I blame? Vegans.

In related news, officials for the National Hockey League are considering abandonning their wooden sticks for aluminum ones, and replacing their traditional black pucks with flourescent orange balls.

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