Saturday, May 13, 2006

Separated At Birth?

On the left, Bryan Singer, legendary director of such films as Usual Suspects, X-Men and the upcoming Superman Returns.

On the right, our benefactor and the main scribe of these pages upon which you have alighted.

I'm not trying to freak you out, or bake your noodle, or make you trip in some kind of Twilight Zone way, all I'm asking you is this:

Have you ever seen Bryan Singer and Sparkles in the same place at the same time?


  1. I get to add another to the list. In my life, I've been told I resemble the following people:

    - Tobey Maguire

    - Harrison Ford

    - Tom Hanks (though by a drunk Korean girl, so I don't give that one much credence)

    - JC Chasez (by a Korean middle school student, so again no credence)

    - The Sherminator from American Pie (twice!)

    - Ad Rock

    - Rocky Dennis from 'Mask'

    And now this. Needless to say, I am extremely honored. He is a very handsome man.

    PS - comments such as "well, I don't see any similarity between the two save for their homosexuality," and ones likening me to Joseph Merrick are openly encouraged.

  2. Yeah, but this resemblance is fucking uncanny. I can't believe I haven't gotten anymore comments than this. I was looking at the IHT and I was like, "Hey, why is Spark in the article about [i]Superman Returns[/i]?"

    Look at the eyes people, the eyes.

    I'll find one for Denz next.

    PS: JC Chasez... Nice. Not sure whether to take that one as a compliment or not.

  3. "I'll find one for Denz next."

    Kirk Hinrich!
