Friday, March 31, 2006


Edit: Happy April Fool's Day, everyone. Rest assured, if the wife and I ever plan on having -- or are taken by surprise with -- another one, and it so happens to be a boy, we'll give the name Marvin-Curtis some serious consideration.

Last week, I mentioned that I have some big news to share. I really wanted to make the big announcement sooner, but there were some complications which arose, and I decided to wait until everything was 100% OK. Sharp readers may have caught a few of the subtle hints I dropped, though.

Things are fine now, so here it is:

My wife and I are very happy (ecstatic, even) to announce that we are parents. Again.

That's right; our second child, a son, was born in the early morning hour of 2:33am, on March 25th. I had wanted to spread the news then, but as I mentioned there were some concerns which arose at the time, because the baby was 3 weeks early (in contrast, our daughter was 2 weeks late; can't these babies stick to the schedule?).

Yesterday, our new little guy (named Marvin-Curtis, after 2 of my favorite singers) and my wife were able to finally come home from the hospital. You may have noticed that I had some free time last week (more than usual, I mean); that's because I stayed home from work and looked after the little girl. No mean feat, for sure, but we had a blast, and she's really, REALLY excited to have little brother at home now.

As am I. The wife and I are both beat like Neal Cassady, but of course it's all worth it. I hope all of my valued Psychedelic Kimchi readers look forward to reading more about Marvin-Curtis in the future as much as I look forward to writing about him.

Kids rock.


  1. Congratulations!! What a cute beby!

  2. Announcing spawn on April 1. You know, I'd be inclined to believe otherwise, but...

    Congratulations, man. You truly are a fertile sandwich.

    Best wishes to the missus and version 2.0

  3. Congratulations, and wicked choice on the names. Hope Mom and baby are healthy and happy. Best wishes from TMH's stateside family

  4. Congrats man. Best wishes to the little one and to his mom for a speedy recovery. Keep cranking them out, you'll have enough to play 2-on-2 in no time!

  5. Rest assured, if you do have another kid, it'll be better you than me. Kids only rock as long as they belong to someone else.

  6. Bastard. You had me hook, line and sinker.

  7. Now I have to figure out how to get the baby I stole for the pics back into the hospital without getting caught.
