Saturday, March 11, 2006

Spring Cleaning -- Full Metal Jacket

Despite its second act paling in comparison to the film's first 45 minutes, Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket still remains a great movie to me. There's really not much more to be said. It's a Kubrick film. The shots are awesome. Blue and yellow make green.

Some quick thoughts:

1) Lee Ermey and Vincent D'Onofrio not being nominated for Best Supporting Actor Oscars was a heinous injustice.

2) The rock-and-roll soundtrack made me yawn this time around, but maybe that's because I've seen too many fucking flicks about Vietnam. Seriously, I think it's required by law that, if you're making a picture about the war in Vietnam, you have to use one of the following songs: Voodoo Chile, The End, or Paint It Black.

3) Did you know that Danny Elfman, for the film Dead Presidents (criminally underrated, by the way), ripped off Kubrick's daughter's score? It's true.

4) If I had to pick my favorite film starring Matthew Modine, this would be the one. But it'd be tough, because there are so many other great Modine films out there.

Current "To Watch" List

Seven Samurai
Training Day
Once Upon a Time in America
Gangs of New York

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