Monday, January 30, 2006

True(Fake) Story

An hour ago, as I was going out for a smoke, I made the mistake of vociferating my thoughts (always a dangerous thing). Here's what transpired:

Me: Smells like someone's cooking some ramen.

Greasy-haired high school drop-out: What did you just say?

Me: What?

GHHSDO: Just now, man. When you walked past, what'd you say?

Me: About what?

GHHSDO: You said, "Someone's cookin' some ramen."

Me: No, I meant somewhere I smell some noodles, you know? It was just an observation.

GHHSDO: Oh, an observation, huh? Well who the hell are you, man? Isaac fucking Newton? I only came here to do two things, kick some ass and eat some ramen. Looks like we're almost outta ramen.

I sense trouble brewing.

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