Monday, January 30, 2006

Meat me in the bathroom

Fucking Seollal, man.

Last week I and an old acquaintance went to what is unequivocally the best Korean barbecue restaurant on Rod Serling's Green Earth. I'm telling you, if you like meat, get thee to 신씨화로 posthaste (website: There are 3 in Bundang, and a bunch in Seoul. I give you my word, you'll dig it like gravediggers and coal miners. It's a bit pricey compared to your average 고기집, but it's well worth it.

I was all set to wow the wife tonight (in the gastronomical sense, you cheeky monkey), but we were disappointed to find out, upon arrival, that the place was closed due to the holiday. I hear there's this wacky invention called a telephone; maybe I should use it the next time we plan to go out for dinner, just to make sure the place to which we're going is actually open. On second thought, nah.

Plan B was decent, but it was really like swapping playoff tickets for exhibition ones. I like me my kimchi, so kimchi sam-gyup-sal did the trick. The beer and soju didn't hurt too bad neither. The evening's biggest surprise (besides Tom Jones serenading our table, I mean)? The wife ordered an egg roll (에그 롤), which turned out to be just that, a roll of egg, like an omelet loaf. It's a good thing we had decided against ordering 2.

Tomorrow I have the esteemed pleasure of looking after the 18th letter again. She was expelled from nursery school, can you believe it? Of course I'm joking [picture me chuckling slightly, like a gentleman telling an amusing quip at a country club]; it so happens that the nursery school is closed tomorrow. So as soon as I have a chance I'll post a transcription of Daddy Daycare/CSI Bundang. In the meantime, here are some pics of the fun-lite evening:

A police sketch of yours truly. The crime? Chronic toilet paper flushing. The wife doesn't think it looks at all like me, but the little girl disagrees. Psshh, what do babies know?

You be the judge:

Upon further inspection, the wife was correct, that doesn't look a thing like me.

I have ears.

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