Thursday, December 01, 2005

Now, Please Allow Me to Be A Geek

Now that I've bitched about dorks, allow me to be one myself.

Here's a cut n paste from my own blog about ten webcomics that I happen to think are decent bits of reading entertainemt. And I figured that I'd spread the word around a bit since this here blog caters to a different sort of clientele than mine. Feel free to give them a looksee. You may find something you enjoy, or you may not.

I hold no responsibility for not meeting your expectations.
  • MY COMICS! Bwahahah! I'm so funny.

  • Naoko Muragama: Video Game Champion. A proudly low-brow comic about chicks with large boobies playing videogames.

  • Dinosaur Comics. The same comic every day with different text. It's a writer's medium

  • Same Difference. A guy is dragged to his hometown by his friend to spy on the guy she's been stringing along for a few months. Won tonnes of awards.

  • When I Am King. See, the pharaoh goes for a walk one morning, loses his pharaoh pants, and is forced to wander the desert. It's very "European"

  • Ghastly's Ghastly Comic. A very not safe for work... or decent folk anywhere... sex comic that aims at making light of all of the twisted Japanese porn stuff that we all know and love.

  • Nine Planets Without Intelligent Life. Two robo-bohemian buddies, Chris and Ben, bum their way across the solar system looking for... Well, they have no idea. Just like all good road trips.

These are just what I happen to like. One of the strengths of webcomics is that there's a LOT of material out there. Okay, a lot of it is shite, but you can probably find something to your tastes if you look for it. A good place to look, if you give a damn, is here at It's a wiki for webcomics. Hit the genre page. You may find something that'll help you waste time at work.

Now, back to pics of Tibs Sparks' super cute kid.

1 comment:

  1. "A proudly low-brow comic about chicks with large boobies playing videogames."

    I am so there.
