Friday, December 02, 2005


Another busy week. In between work, fatherhood, and getting a certain Internet psychopath's website shut down (it turns out there ARE nightlights in Hell -- big fucking ones), I've been reading The Brothers Karamazov for the umpteenth time, watching a flick here and there (The Polar Express is great if you have kids. Trust me), and, whenever I can manage, sitting on my ass, daydreaming about Mandy Moore having a pillow fight with Jennifer Garner.

I apologize for both the lack and brevity of my postings of late. However, I do have The Man and The Myth, William (O)G, at the 4, and debonair denz should be blessing us with his welcome presence any day now. And that's not all: Andy Rooney has expressed his desire to get on board. Hopefully he doesn't die first; I'm anticipating his take on how hard bags of potato chips are to open these days.

For now, here are some Friday Night Lights:

1) So my Franz Ferdinand CD comes with a DVD. Cool. Yesterday I finally have a chance to check it out, only to find that the DVD is region 1, even though it was printed and manufactured in Korea (which is region 3). Go figure. I was able to watch it on my PS2, though, so not a total loss. My biggest complaint being the videos, interviews etc. all have an annoying border around them, which can't be very good for the plasma, I would surmise.

2) Busta Rhymes has cut his dreadlocks. Stop the fucking presses! You can watch it by following the link, but be forewarned: it is extremely gay. And stupid.

3) If anyone knows an indoor gym in Bundang in which to play basketball, e-mail me immediately. I will be eternally grateful.

4) Do yourself a favor and check out Brother Reade's 'Crushed by a Truck'. Absolutely killer song. I can't believe it took me so long to discover it. I discovered it like Columbus discovered America, by the way.

5) If the Lohan Freestyle (apparently MIA from was Illmatic, is surely It Was Written.

6) Pro tip: don't do like I did earlier today and cook buldak mandu and eat it before using paper towels to absorb the oil. Trust me. I felt like Davey Hogan (from Stand By Me) at the pie-eat. Chow down, wide load.

7) I wanna let allllll y'all niggaz know in here tonight that this is that Wu-Tang shit. This that shit that's gonna get you high. See, when you stimulate your own mind for one common cause, you see who's the real motherfuckers. See what you see is you what you see. Be the original G rhymin' on timin' and in the place to be. They love see meeeeeeee!


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