Friday, December 23, 2005

Instant Enemy

One of the biggest shocks I received as a kid, besides finding out that Santa Claus wasn't real, was in the mid-80s when Paul Orndorff, Mr. Wonderful, betrayed Hulk Hogan and turned heel. I was devestated.

Damon signing with the Empire is the grown-up version of that. Picture this: as the thunderous cheers for the Sox's 2004 World Series title begin to wane, Damon sneaks up on Red Sox Nation and collectively nails us from behind with a chair shot to the back.

I haven't gone from loving and then hating one person so quickly since the time...

I'll leave it up to my readers' imagination to complete that thought. I myself am too mentally distraught to delve any further into this shocking turn of events.

There is no Jesus.

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