Thursday, December 22, 2005

Five, No Jive

1) I would never under any circumstances get a tattoo. However, if I was held at gunpoint and forced to get one, it would definitely be a rendition of the flux capacitor.

2) Pitchfork recently put up their list of the top 50 albums of 2005. Cam'ron's Purple Haze inexplicably made the top ten. The lesson? When it comes to hip-hop, those lobsterheads don't know what the fuck they're writing about.

3) Is it just me, or does Jose Calderon look like a serial killer?

4) Kreskin Moment: the films nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars will be:

- Brokeback Mountain (sure bet)

- King Kong (ditto)

- Syriana

- Walk The Line

- Munich

Darkhorses:The New World and The Constant Gardener

Winner: the gay cowboy flick.

Other shoe-ins: Philip Seymore Hoffman (don't front on PSH) for Best Actor for Capote, Terrence Mallick for Best Director for The New World, and Wallace and Grommit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit for Best Animated Feature...and Martin Scorsese's directorial talents will finally be recognized in the form of an Oscar for his documentary No Direction Home: Bob Dylan. Boo!

5) It's snowing again. Know what I have nightmares about this time of year?


1 comment:

  1. I know what yah mean, I left Canada to get away from this weather.
