Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Free Ron Artest!

In between being the best there is at what I do (read: chronic hair styling), I've been planning to write a CD review -- give me a few more listens -- for an album nobody really gives a shit about, compiling the final chapter of the 2005 Sparklers (I wrote most of it on a matchbook cover; I just have to find the fucking thing), and writing a review of Sympathy For Lady Vengeance (what I'm most looking forward to). However, I'm also planning to jump across the Han River on a motorcycle (for charity), so we'll see what happens; if there's nothing new here in the next couple of days, donate money to charity instead of sending flowers.

What I do have (limited) time for this evening is some NBA thoughts. 0.12% of my readership leaps for joy.

1) I hope the Pistons smash the Chicago Bulls's 72-10 record to pieces. It really can't be fun being Larry Brown right now.

2) MVP: Chauncy? Dirk? AI? Maybe. Maybe Elton Brand deserves some recognition, too, but make no mistake: the only reason he's getting as much MVP press as he has is because a) he's finally on a winning team, and b) after Steve Nash (deservedly, controversially) won it last year, there's going to be a trend now to give the award to a guy who, the previous season, everyone would have scoffed at were his name mentioned.

My vote? Shit, Brand.

3) Peja Stojakovic's agent to Peja: "P, remember that little ploy you and I concocted for you to play like shit and help convince the Kings to trade you for Ron Artest? Well, it looks as though that's not gonna work. How's about this: I know your back is fucked up, but you try to play through it to prove to everyone how tough a guy you are. You are in a contract year, remember. And I wanna get paid. C'mon, I'll tell every groupie I meet what a big dick you have. Do we have a deal?

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