Monday, October 03, 2005


A few days ago the blank space at the top of the Psychedelic Kimchi main page first appeared. Curiously, a noted metaphysicist, an acclaimed science-fiction writer, and a illustrator of paranormal phenomena have recently been reported as missing.

Global conspiracy? Probably. Though my predisposition as a considerably untech-savvy person makes me wonder if I didn't just select something I shouldn't have; after all, I only yesterday figured out how to work my toaster ("push lever down": it now seems so simple). Before then, I was trying to stand the pieces of bread upright while inverting the toaster and drawing it down towards the bread. That was really hard.

Anyways, I intend to uncover the truth regarding the ethereal void haunting the top of this blog. In the meantime, unfocus your eyes and take a long look at it. You might see a dinosaur!

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