Sunday, October 02, 2005

Lucky Day

Maybe I should go to church more often.

Today, after service ended, the wife, 18th Letter, and yours unruly headed to Seohyeon, where we shopped at the bookstore and did some "eye shopping," and later had lunch at a Vietnamese pho noodle place before calling it an afternoon.

On our way to the bus stop, however, we noticed that there was a promotion kiosk set up offering free Kodak digital photos. We stopped and had our pictures taken, and not a minute later one of the Kodak media guys asked my wife if she would partake in an interview. If she did, he said, she would receive a 50,000 won Shinsegae gift certificate. She agreed, and 3 minutes later received not 1 but 2 50,000 won gift certificates, because her interview was so natural and convincing (which it was, though to me she looked eerily like Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blond). Apparently, they'll use the interview in an upcoming advertisement on one of the home shopping broadcasts regularly shown during the day. Wifey's blowin' up.

Oddly enough, the little girl was asleep the whole time and barely received acknowledgment, which is in sharp contrast to the usual gasps of astonishment regarding her remarkable beauty. Though I didn't say anything to the wife, I think she's secretly pleased that, for today, she was the star.

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