Thursday, September 08, 2005

Satin Rules!

I admire a man with conviction: someone who, though it may be an unpopular opinion, will speak his mind, passionately. But there of course is a line which must be drawn between noble belief and sheer, utter stupidity. Suicide bombers and genocidal despots are two examples of the latter.

Walking home, I noticed a grafitto poorly sprayed at the entrance to an underground pass. It read 독도는 우리땅!!! (Dokdo is our land!!!). Now, without getting into the politics of the islets involved, I have to say:

why the fuck would you desecrate a part of your own country (even if it is a dirty underpass) in protest against the Japanese, especially since -- let's be honest here -- your country certainly isn't besting theirs in terms of cleanliness and presentability?

One would do better to, for example, boycott Sony. Or firebomb the Japanese embassy (with, uh, disapproving stares).

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