Sunday, September 11, 2005

Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew...

Last night, while out on the town, a friend and I were served raw potatoes as a side dish. "Don't eat them! Raw potatoes are dangerous to eat!" I warned. "How do you know that?" my friend asked. The truth is, I don't remember where I heard that eating potatoes raw is unhealthy. Maybe it was satan speaking to me in my dreams. He does that quite a lot. Him and Liberace. Anyway, I did some research and found this from

Q. Is it safe to eat raw potatoes?
A. Yes. Some consider raw potatoes a nice treat.

But then I found this, from

Potatoes are edible (if not very palitable) raw, but are slightly toxic. A few people do die from eating raw potatoes each year somewhere in the world but this is usually because they have been improperly stored and have started to sprout. It is in the eyes and the sprouting parts that the toxins are concentrated.

So I guess they potentially are dangerous, but the chance of dying from eating raw potatoes at a restaurant is almost nil.

The real question is, "why the fuck would anybody want to eat raw potatoes?" They're nasty like hell is hot.


  1. they are only toxic when they start to go green - ie when they are stored in the light. this toxicity is retained even when they are cooked...

    i have been served raw sweet potatos as 안주 (snacks) in a bar in korea. they were nasty - sweet but astringent and starchy.

  2. i actually like raw sweet potatoes, my bf thought they were carrots!

    never tried regular potatoes raw though, doesnt sound very appetizing
