Saturday, September 17, 2005

Memory Lane (Part 0.5)

Apropos of nothing:

One label given to expatriate workers in Korea -- or rather, more specifically, given to western expatriate workers in Korea, most of whom are likely ESL teachers -- is that they couldn't cut it "back home." In defense of the majority of the expats I've met while here, that's a harsh accusation. But maybe that's because I've been fortunate enough to meet so many unique and talented individuals. Truth be told, I've encountered my share of fuck-ups; but the ratio between the former and the latter -- and this is being conservative -- is about 4:1. I've met doctors and lawyers, and I've also met drug addicts and thieves. Still, though I can by no means authoritatively claim it as 100% truth, I think there are far more qualified (or at least competent) workers here than there are egregiously incompetent ones.

Me? I consider myself extremely qualified and experienced. I've done well for myself over the past half decade. As for whether or not I could cut it "back home"...I have no idea. See, I came to Korea shortly after graduating university. Korea is the only country in which I have ever been gainfully employed.

This is my story:

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