Friday, September 16, 2005


As evidenced by the lack of updates over the past few days, I've been feeling as lethargic as...someone prone to lethargy (see, I can't even be bothered to come up with a witty simile). My deepest apologies to my 1 constant reader (I love you, Mom). Hopefully I'll break out of this creative funk I'm in, and in no time be back to writing the succinct and insightful posts my readership has come to expect. If not, it's time for Plan B: posting random images of scantily-clad, sexy women.


  1. Grey skies are gonna clear up.
    Put on a happy face.

    Remember, the Internet makes you stupid.
    I suggest reading "Cloud Atlas". Cleared my blockage right up.

    PS. Your moms says "Hi".
