Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Word to my Mom's

Christmas in August. On Monday my mother arrived to spend 3 weeks with us. It is her third time visiting Korea. My sister accompanied her the previous two times, but this year she had school and couldn't come. Maybe not buying an extra plane ticket meant more gifts for me, because I lucked out like a motherfucker. Since I haven't been home for Christmas for 5 consecutive years, a shitload of presents was more than welcome. Plus, the little girl's b-day is tomorrow, and there's a suitcase, which I could probably fit into, full of gifts for her.


Here's the haul (not including most of the wife's stuff, which is bras and panties and other cootie-ridden stuff of that nature):

- 2 Ralph Lauren T-Shirts

- 2 Ralph Lauren polos

- a button-down, short-sleeved polo shirt

- 2 pairs of Levis jeans

- 3 (3!!!) bottles of Crown Royal wiskey

- an authentic Dwyane Wade Miami Heat jersey

- a case of Kraft Dinner (scurvy, here I come!)

- Season One DVD of C.S.I. Miami (the wife's favorite show), and Constantine DVD

- enough chocolate and snackfood to make Augustus Gloop jealous

I'll post some photos of the little one's score sometime this weekend.

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