Friday, August 05, 2005

03 'Til Infinity

Best. Birthday. Ever.

Momma Sparkles(*_*) and the fam have set a precedent that will be hard to top next year. Yes, the little girl was spoiled. Spoiled rotten. But sometimes it's good to have nice things, and it's nice to have good things. I'll let the photos (mostly) speak for themselves. You have been forewarned: tomorrow comes the sequel.

The booty.

Booty on the side.

Gimme the loot, old man.

There better be a whoopie cushion in one of them there bags.

Cute X 2. Sassy X 4.

She looks like she's sneezing, but really she's trying to manufacture a fake smile.

"Care Bears are like so 80's, Grandma. Whatever."

You can't see it, but what she wrote was Joe Thanks eats horse cock.

Little Stephanie (not her real name).

My style's milk, man, you'd think that I was breastfed.

Let me eat cake.

Pajama Jammy Jam.


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