Monday, July 04, 2005

Video Store Girl

My wife is pretty tight with the ajumma who runs the local video store. When we moved into our new place two months ago, for example, she was kind enough to babysit the little girl for almost three hours while the wife and her mother cleaned (no mean feat: the people who moved out left the place grimier than a snot-caked nostril) and I did all the heavy lifting [pats self on back].

The owner of the aforementioned video store has a son and a daughter who both tend the shop from time to time. I go in there a lot less often than the wife (they only rent out shitty, mainstream DVDs), but on the few times I've been in there, the daughter is sometimes manning the desk. Actually, reading comic books, chewing gum and talking on her cell phone is a more accurate description of what she does, or at least what I've seen her doing.

The first time I saw her I noticed that she was pretty average-looking. That's definitely not the case now.

She appears quite fetching as of late, due to her recent plastic surgery (nose and lips, maybe a few other areas I'm not allowed to glance at or mention). Is this a bad or a good thing? I mean -- and I know I'm taking this somewhat to an extreme here -- if someone has, let's say, a bum leg, back or psyche, it's socially accepted (unless you're Tom Cruise) that they should right it through either surgery or prescription medication. So why is it so frowned upon, at least in the West, that an ugly person or a plain Jane or John have cosmetic surgery to hopefully make them more attractive?

Of course, one might end up looking like Mickey Rourke or Melanie Griffith; but there's risks in everything. Cojoined twins risk death so that each can lead a better life when they're separated, though they're usually too young to make the decision themselves. Maybe they'd be happy together, like the twins of Siam...

...or maybe not. Maybe they'll live a life of depresion, climaxed by a 26-storey dive off an apartment complex. Who's to say?

So, I say to thee, Video Store Girl, you go. Do yo thang.

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