Monday, July 11, 2011

Day Twenty-Seven: Night of the Power Chord Rangers

Day 27 - A song that you wish you could play

A song I wish I could play? There are quite a few of those (as you'd imagine) but one that stands out in my mind is:

Night Ranger - Don't Tell Me You Love Me

And I'm talking specifically about the ability to play an electric guitar at that level of skill. Don't get me wrong: there are plenty of better guitarists out there but nevertheless 'Don't Tell Me You Love Me' is a good example what I wish I could accomplish with a six-string in these hands of mine. Just think of what people would say!

Sling, would you play guitar at our twentieth wedding anniversary? After all these years, Sister Christian is still our song.

I've been asked to teach a course entitled 'Awesome 1982' and I'd like for you to be a guest speaker. Bring your guitar.

Hey Sling, would you wail on your ax for me right here, right now? Never mind that we're in the middle of my child's eighth birthday party.

Sling? This is Harrison Forbes. I'm forming a shitty Eighties revival band, nay, supergroup comprised entirely of people I deem 'super' and guess what? You're in.

Look, Sling, I said I loved you and that was a lie, I admit, but I needed a laptop, you know. Nevertheless, I've always thought of you as an amazingly talented guitarist, simply amazing, and while we're on the topic of awesome, it would totally radical if you could give me your credit card number.

[Feel free to add a few statements of your own in the comment box]

Ah, to be a talented musician...