Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Things to Do in the Desert (Third Entry)

If I were living in a desert I'd like to do something worthwhile, something noteworthy. I would, for example, take up the art of aikido. "But K," you say, "what does aikido have to do with living in a desert? It's Japanese." Fair point, I suppose, but only ostensibly so, for in reality, Steven Seagal is a white guy who studied aikido in Japan, returned to the United States and went on to star in several action films as well as (if not more importantly) make an appearance on the Merv Griffin Show.

If he could do all that, there's no good reason why I can't study aikido in the desert. So fuck it!


  1. I think you would really enjoy the freedom offered by those pants.

  2. A bit tight around the crotch, though...
