Friday, June 25, 2010

Fine Wine (New Poll)

The music scene, much like time itself, keeps makin' the changes alongside everything -and by that, I mean everyone- else that keeps gettin' older, fatter, crankier, and less relevant. Even so, not all music fails to entertain well beyond its presumed expiry date and many songs produced between the years 1980 and 1989 are no different; spandex, Ray-Ban sunglasses, and chalices filled to the brim with M&M's* notwithstanding, the music itself was, well, if neither forgettable nor regrettable, mostly hypercolortasticable.

With that in mind, Sparkles and I then devoted hours upon hours to bickering over which songs hold up to this very day, some twenty to thirty years later; the result being, partially, the poll seen to your left. We snarled, we hissed, we compromised, and there's more to come. Nevertheless, it's up to you, Der Kommissared Reader, to determine which song sucks the least has aged like fine wine.

For the lazy folk, I've included a playlist.

For a hipster's interpretation of the poll, visit Running With Chopsticks and experience music as it should be - for the cool kids! Just don't forget your beret, clove cigarettes, Starbucks Double Mocha Mango Latte (made with nothing but the finest organic ingredients), and smug elitism.**

* Just make sure there's none of those little red bastards in the cup!
** I kid, I kid. Relax. (She hates mangoes.)


  1. I'lll see YOU later, cheeky. Don't forget my Pastel's tape and my beret...

  2. Don't be bitter! If you're having trouble constructing a proper playlist, I'd be more than happy to help out.

  3. PK doesnt have an 'other' option in this Muthahumpin' Poll-Off Between Two Blogs On My Sidebar, so, in the interests of fairness, I submit to you what I submitted to RWC:

    1. Fools Gold - Stone Roses
    2. Power Of Love - Frankie Goes To Hollywood

  4. Thanks for the hwawesome suggestions, Lady. Given that the current poll is merely the first of two (possibly three) compilations, there is more than enough room to include your selections.

    As for the gal over at Running With Chopsticks, I think she's constructed a fine playlist, one worthy of repeated listening. The poll itself I lament, but the playlist is divine.

    (...I'm being watched, and thus unable to express myself clearly at the moment.)

  5. It took me a long time to decide but I finally went with Still of the Night. I think it's mostly out of a subconscious need to relive childhood trauma.
